• Canterbury Cantata Trust Blogs

Brahms requiem performance March 2019

What people are saying:

What a triumph last night at the Colyer-Ferguson Hall – the Amici Choir singing Brahms’ Requiem. A magnificent performance, Grenville, from all parts of the ensemble. Around 100 voices produced a lovely sound, accompanied by the four capable hands at the piano. Peter Cox was a perfect choice, as always, for the baritone solos and Becci Kaznowski was a revelation to me as the soprano soloist.

She always had a lovely voice when we were fellow students under your direction, Grenville, but she has developed such a beautiful, strong and clear soprano voice that I hope she will be able to join you for further performances. What a thoroughly enjoyable evening and a tremendous achievement by the Amici Choir.

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Canterbury Cantata Trust

Canterbury Cantata Trust Registered in England and Wales
Company No. 8293466 (Limited by Guarantee)
Registered Charity No. 1163197.

Registered Office:
April Cottage, Cherville Lane,
Bramling, Canterbury,
Kent. CT3 1LZ
